Wednesday, February 17, 2010


evoke independence, only when it is rooted in personal (individual) autonomy and strength of mission. one's own sovereignty through knowledge. think of pollination, bees. Even from the ties of efficient team work. There's no stealth activism without strategy. I am not a poet I am trying to think. and avoid martyrdom even as a student. When to rise as vindictive a vigilante (don't ask me again) to redeem thought from the construct of efficiency and from the build of sense. I wont be more specific. Diaspores are dispersal units of fungi, mosses, ferns, fern allies , and some other plants. In fungi, chlamydospores are thick-walled resting spores, and zygospores are thick-walled resting spores (hypnozygotes) of zygomycetous fungi (1). an itinerant academy is still an academy. Like the hosts of nomads accommodate the regional. Habana is far from here. And in change. An informed decent road show. in principle familiar only to its own seed and the next road. it is hard to name what is new. I am not a professor, I was. So, I rather refer to sporic assembly of knowledge. a leaf of fern. an important form of activism. And evolution. And occupies no space beyond the archive. I wont think about it until I am done. Academies deal with structured knowledge. and the institution (direction) of sense. books are bound. How do we free our students from the sense of belonging to a chamber of thought, our epic institution. mythical heroism. It's still us. I sit down, just read a while. still, like a drop in the river.

Metronome Press

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