Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Saukiness, departs from the same idea as dgitalB:

"The captions in dgitalB recall and beckon textual analysis. Text is a voice and a narrator. It is relevant to point out the unique interplay between image and sound in music videos. Douglas Kahn asserts that, during Modernism, we saw the transition from the age of Narcissus to the age of Echo or the combination of the two: a transition from appreciating the arts mostly by sight to the added sense of aurality (Kahn, 1999: 5). McLuhan, in the Gutenberg Galaxy, coins the concept of the “Global Village” to describe Western perception as one driven by a past oriented in the mechanics of typography and a present (future) based on technology and its multisensory pervasiveness. dgitalB is a visual experiment with text that explores the relationship between listening and viewing."

Saukiness, is an experimental short film about the representation of the dream state contained in a sound-activated database model.

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